A charger is an important part of the phone. Therefore the charger needs to be correct. Fake chargers can damage your phone's battery. Many times, to save money, people pick up any charger from the markets. This increases the chances of getting a duplicate charger. Let us tell you that artificial chargers do not cause much harm to smartphones. Due to this, your phone may get damaged quickly. To avoid this, it is important to use only the original charger. If you have trouble identifying it, no worries. Here we will tell you the right way to identify real and fake chargers.

How to check real or fake phone chargers?

Identify by design

There is a lot of difference in the design of real chargers and fake chargers. If the charger is genuine then all the connectors and ports in it are perfectly fit, correct and correct. At the same time, connectors and ports will usually be found loose in fake chargers.

Focus on brand name

To identify the charger, you must look at the brand name written on it. For your information, the brand name is written correctly on the original charger. At the same time, its names may be written wrongly on fake chargers. You will notice a small difference in its spelling.

Take care of the seal

There is always a seal on the original charger. But there is no seal of any kind on the fake charger. In other words, its seal may be broken.

There is a difference in weight also

You can also look at its weight to identify real and fake chargers. The weight of a real charger is slightly more than that of a fake charger.

Power consumption

Power consumption is also a way to identify the genuine charger. Real charger consumes less power. But, fake chargers consume more electricity.

Check the charging speed of the phone

The original charger charges the phone quickly. At the same time, the fake charger works very slowly. It charges the phone slowly.

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