PC: tv9hindi

Do you have a fake iPhone charger? Fake iPhone chargers are being sold in the market as genuine. You don't want to waste your money, and you definitely don't want to risk damaging your phone. To help you check whether your iPhone charger is genuine or fake, we will guide you to a website or app.

The pain of not getting an iPhone charger with your phone is a well-known fact among iPhone users. Using the wrong charger can not only cause financial loss but can also potentially damage your device.

PC: Daily Mail

BIS CARE: Check which company the charger belongs to

You can download an app called BIS Care from the Google Play Store, which allows you to verify the authenticity of ISI-marked and hallmarked products. It also provides consumers the option to lodge complaints against counterfeit products.

How to check if your iPhone charger is genuine

To use this app, first install it on your phone. Once installed, you will see the option to enter the R-number printed on your charger. After entering the R-number, the app will display all the details about your charger including the manufacturer.

PC: Amazon.in

Check the authenticity of the charger using the number

With this simple process, you can make sure that your iPhone charger is indeed authentic. Keep in mind that an original iPhone charger usually costs around Rs 2,000, so if someone is selling it for a significantly lower price, there's probably something wrong.