Our skin sometimes gives us an indication of impending danger. Some diseases are especially visible through the skin. For example, when jaundice or jointis occurs, the skin starts turning yellow. It is a simple indication that there is too much bile in the liver and its effect is visible on the skin. As soon as jaundice occurs, we go to the doctor and start the treatment.

But do you know that there are other signs on the skin before liver disease? When there are different conditions of the liver, the skin indicates to us that now there is a need to get the test done. We spoke to Shikha Mahajan, Dietician Holistic Nutritionist and Founder of Diet Podium, to find out more. She told us in detail about the reactions on the skin.

According to Dietician Shikha Mahajan, if the liver disease starts, then these signs are found on the skin.

Itching starts in the skin in liver disease-

One of the signs that your liver is getting damaged is the formation of bile in the blood. When this happens, itching starts in the skin. When the bile duct is blocked, bile slowly mixes with the blood and collects on the lower part of the skin. This is the reason why the skin starts itching and you feel a little uncomfortable.

Formation of spider angiomas

Spider angiomas are one of the many symptoms that can appear on the skin. These are small cells that look like spider webs. These are also located in the lower part of the skin and when the estrogen level in the body increases, they become visible. If they appear, it means the liver is not working properly and your hormones are not being metabolized.

There are blue rashes on the body or there is bleeding-

One of the first symptoms of liver damage is bruising and bleeding easily. These symptoms say that your liver is not healthy and the proteins needed to prevent blood clotting are not being made in the right amount in the liver.

Bad breath

Bad breath is also a sign that your liver is not working properly. High levels of dimethyl sulfide can indicate liver cirrhosis and cause a fruity, rotten smell in your mouth. Halitosis caused by liver damage is called Fetor hepaticus.

Hyperpigmentation on the face

If freckles and hyperpigmentation suddenly appear on your face, then this can also be a symptom of liver damage when the liver does not function properly, the level of estrogen in the body increases. In this case, an enzyme named tyrosinase increases in the body which contains copper. It increases the production of melanin and this leads to the problem of pigmentation.

There is itching, burning and redness on the palms.

Another symptom of liver damage is that redness, burning, and itching increases a lot in your palms. This is called Palmar erythema in the medical term. This is due to abnormal hormone levels in the body.

If you are seeing any different symptoms on your skin, then it is necessary to get your doctor checked once. It may be due to some other reason and not due to the liver, but its symptoms are often visible on the skin. Regular checkups can prevent any serious problems and you should always seek the advice of a medical professional who will explain anything to you in detail.


Your skin and body are as different as you are. We endeavour to bring you correct, safe and expert-verified information through our articles and social media handles, but still, you must consult your doctor before trying any home remedy, hack or fitness tip.