If seasonal diet is taken in this winter season, health gets better results. One of these superfoods is sweet potato, also known as winter potato. Sweet potatoes are used for breakfast, lunch, snacks or dinner in every way. Sweet potatoes are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B and Vitamin D. Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine and carotenoids present in sweet potatoes help in strengthening bones. Its glycemic index is also low, so it can be eaten even in diabetes. You can consume sweet potato by boiling or roasting it. Today in this episode, we are going to tell you how consumption of sweet potato benefits the health. Let's know about them...

Helpful in weight loss
Sweet potatoes contain fiber, which helps in weight loss. Sweet potatoes prevent fat cells from growing. Sweet potatoes reduce inflammation in your body. Eating a bowl of roasted sweet potatoes helps you feel less hungry, which helps you lose weight gradually.

For bone strength
Bones can become weak due to calcium deficiency. Sweet potatoes can be used for bone strength. Research has found that good amounts of calcium and magnesium are found in sweet potato, due to which it can be beneficial for bones. Apart from strengthening the bones, calcium and magnesium can also be helpful in their development.

Beneficial in diabetes
Eating sweet potato is beneficial for diabetes patients. The compound present in sweet potato helps in controlling blood sugar. To keep blood sugar under control, you can boil and eat sweet potatoes. But if your blood sugar level has increased, then sweet potato should be consumed only on the advice of the doctor.