Record-breaking heat is being experienced in many states including the country's capital Delhi. The heat in Delhi has broken the record of the last 100 years. The temperature in Mungeshpur, Delhi reached 52.3 degrees Celsius on Friday. According to the Meteorological Department, the people of Delhi will not get relief from this scorching heat for a few days. These days, whether at home or outside, the condition is the same everywhere. People who do not have coolers and AC in their homes face the most problems. Some people's house is always hot. When they reach home, even the cooler does not work. Today we are telling you some such tips, by which you can keep your house cool.

Keep the room clean

If you want to keep your room cool, then keep it clean. If there is dirt in a room, then the air does not pass properly. If there is too much stuff at home or clothes are scattered, this can also increase the heat.

Keep the windows closed during the day

Many people open the windows of the house in the evening, but forget to close them during the day. By doing this, the house starts burning like fire, because the heat that runs throughout the day enters the house, due to which the heat increases. Keep in mind that you keep the window closed after the sun rises and till the sun sets. After this, you must open the window.

People living on the top floor must do these things

People living on the top floor face the most problems in summer. This is because the heat comes down directly from the roof. Such people can grow grass or plants on the roof. This keeps the house cool and the heat does not reach your house directly.

Hot air also spreads in the house from the kitchen. Therefore, exhaust fans should always be used while cooking. Apart from this, open the window while cooking. If you do all these things, then there will not be much heat in your house.