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Sugarcane-Mint Moito is one such drink that will cool you down in the summer. To make this, one cup of sugarcane juice, one cup of lemon juice, half a cup of soda, and black salt as per taste, as well as two to three mint leaves, are required. Let's know the easy way to make it-

image credit: globalkitchentravels

To make the Sugarcane-Mint Moito, firstly, take a glass. Add crushed mint leaves to it. Now add lemon juice and black salt. Add soda and sugarcane juice to it. In this way, chilled Sugarcane-Mint Moito is ready. Now you can drink it by garnishing it with a slice of lemon.

image credit: casualfoodist

Consuming Sugarcane-Mint Mojito drink, there is a feeling of freshness in the body. It proves to be very beneficial for the health of the liver. The digestive system also improves by its use. Also, it is helpful in fighting cancer and for diabetes patients. Pimples of the face can also be removed from it.