Most of us like to eat sweets. Things like sweets, ice cream, candy, chocolate, and halwa attract everyone towards them, but their excessive consumption harms health because their main ingredients are refined sugar, which is also known as table sugar or white sugar. Eating too much sugar can cause problems like diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart attack. If you are not able to give up sweet food, then you can replace white sugar with many healthy options. This will not spoil your health, but will only benefit the body.

The color of sugar candy is similar to that of sugar, but its texture is rough, you can choose this healthier alternative instead of sugar. It contains calcium, magnesium, and iron, which are beneficial for health. Keep in mind that never buy cutting or sea-looking sugar candy from the grocery store, because it is a big form of refined sugar.

Stevia is called zero calorie natural sweetener, it is extracted from the leaves of the stevia plant, nowadays it is becoming very popular, it is also called sweet basil, with the help of which many Ayurvedic medicines are prepared. It can be 25 times sweeter than table sugar. Its glycemic index is zero, so it is very beneficial for diabetes patients.

Jaggery is considered a very healthy sweet food, it is used in the form of powder and lumps. There is no shortage of nutrients in it, so it is very beneficial for health. It works as a natural blood purifier. Its regular consumption boosts metabolism, helps in detoxifying the liver, and also prevents constipation.

Even though the taste of honey is sweet, it is very beneficial for the human body, it can be used as an alternative to sugar, and it also digests easily and does not increase the level of glucose in the blood. Anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties are found in it. It is considered beneficial for the heart and it also helps in burning fat.

Coconut sugar is obtained from a coconut palm tree, and it is not refined too much. It gets easily digested in the stomach. Minerals like iron, and calcium are found in them. Along with this, its glycemic index is also low, due to which the blood sugar level does not increase much. You can eat coconut sugar mixed with milk or other things.

Dates are a very sweet fruit, date sugar is prepared from it, it is very healthy and can be made at home. For this, you first roast the dates and then grind them in a mixie. It helps in digestion and consuming it also reduces bad cholesterol because there is no shortage of fiber, vitamins, and minerals in dates.