To keep the body healthy, experts have advised all people to consume 6-8 hours of sleep every night along with consuming healthy and nutritious food. Good sleep is essential for both physical and mental health. Researchers said people who do not get enough sleep at night are at risk of developing many types of other chronic diseases along with high blood pressure. In a study conducted on how important gold is for our health, a team of scientists has made a big claim.

Researchers said good sleep is also very important to keep our brains healthy. Sleep plays an important role in maintaining good health and functioning of the brain and its activities. During sleep, the brain undergoes various essential processes that affect cognitive, emotional, and physical well-being. That is, if you want to keep your brain healthy, then efforts should be made to improve the quality of sleep.

Insomnia and brain disorders
In a recent study, scientists reported that people who suffer from insomnia or sleep-related diseases have an increased risk of their brain's ability to weaken over time. Lack of sleep is linked to cognitive dysfunction, meaning it can affect your brain's ability to function over time.

This study conducted using an insomniac mouse model has found that to maintain normal cognitive functions, it is important to maintain good sleep quality.

Discovered about a protein essential for the brain
In this study published in the Journal of Protein Research of the American Chemical Society, the team of scientists has identified a protective protein pleiotrophin or PTN which is essential for keeping the brain healthy, although its levels also decrease in case of lack of sleep. Gets applied.

PTEN has also been found to be essential for nerve health, bone development, inflammation, cancer metastasis, and tissue repair.

How to reduce brain-related disorders?
In the report of the study, the researchers noted that in case of a reduction in the amount of PTN, the hippocampal cells responsible for memory and learning in the brain start dying. There are chances of improvement in Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases with the help of this protein.

Researchers have found that if you sleep well, it helps keep these cells healthy and can also reduce brain-related disorders.

How to improve sleep?
In this study, scientists said, that to improve the quality of sleep, it is necessary to focus on night sleep only. According to a study published earlier in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, the brain of people who sleep less starts aging prematurely. To keep brain cells healthy and reduce the risks of diseases related to it, efforts should be made to improve sleep.

(PC: Freepik)