First of all some precautions! Friends, whoever has stones in the body should never eat lime! (Many people eat it by putting it in paan) because the main reason for stones is the presence of excess calcium in your body. It means that those who have stones in their body have more calcium than required in their body but it is not getting digested in the body, that is a different matter. Therefore, you should stop eating lime.

There is a plant called Pakhanbed! Some people also call it Patharchat! Boil its 10 leaves in 1 to 2 glasses of water and make a decoction! In just 7 to 15 days the entire stone will disappear!! And sometimes it disappears even faster than that!!! You can also eat 3 leaves 3 times a day!

Homeopathy treatment!

Now there is a medicine in homeopathy! You will get it in any homeopathy shop, its name is BERBERIS VULGARIS. MOTHER TINCHER is written in front of this medicine. This is its potency. The shopkeeper will understand. Get this medicine from any homeopathy shop. (The medicine of the indigenous company SBL is effective.) (This BERBERIS VULGARIS medicine is also made from a plant called Patharchat, the only difference is that these are in dilution form, the botanical name of the Patharchat plant is BERBERIS VULGARIS only.)

Now mix 10-15 drops of this medicine in one-fourth (1/4) cup of water and take it four times a day (morning, afternoon, evening, and night). Maximum four times and minimum three times. This has to be taken continuously for one to one and a half months, sometimes it takes even two months. It removes all the stones by melting them, wherever they are, be it in the gall bladder or kidney, around the urethra, or in the urinary bladder.

In 99% of the cases, it breaks and removes all the stones within 1.5 to 2 months only. Sometimes, it may take three months also. So, get a sonography done after two months and you will come to know how much has broken and how much is left. If some is left, then take it for a few more days. This is not a side effect of the medicine.

And with this medicine, gallstones are also cured! Which modern doctors call gallstone cancer! This happened when the stone broke and came out, now what to do to prevent it from forming again in the future??? Because many people get stones again and again. Once the stone has broken and come out, what to do to ensure that it does not come back???

For this, there is another homeopathic medicine CHINA 1000. Put two drops of this liquid form medicine directly on the tongue in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Take it three times in a day and then stones will never form in the future. And one more thing, jaundice is also cured by this BERBERIS VULGARIS!

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All the information given in this article is presented for general information and awareness purposes only. It is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment in any way.

Please consult a qualified doctor or health expert for advice related to any health problem, disease, or treatment. Be sure to seek medical advice before following the tips or remedies mentioned in the article.

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(PC: Freepik)