Changes are being seen in the weather where there is a feeling of cold at night and heat during the day. This difference in the environment confuses people and makes them ill. It is seen that these days people are facing the problem of sore throat. Generally, the problem of sore throat is seen more in the cold season, but it can also happen in the summer season. Due to sore throats, people get in bad condition, even some people also get problems like throat blisters, pain, and throat peeling due to this. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you about some such home remedies which will work to provide relief for sore throat. Let's know about these tips...

Gargle with warm salt water 2 to 3 times from morning to evening. This is a very simple task but its amazing effect is seen on the throat. This will reduce your discomfort by many folds and the soreness will stop. Along with this, any kind of bacteria accumulated in the throat will come out.

Black pepper
Black pepper is considered very useful for sore throat, cough, or cold. If it is consumed with sugar candy, then its benefits increase even more. Take an equal quantity of black pepper powder and sugar candy and mix it and keep it in a closed box. In case of sore throat, consume a small quantity of it two to three times a day.

Herbal tea
Drinking herbal tea is a good option for throat infections. This tea will give warmth to the throat, reduce soreness and the body will get immunity, so different. Ginger tea without milk is beneficial. To make it, boil ginger pieces in a cup of water and drink it after filtering. Apart from this, chamomile tea and green tea also show a good effect.

Ginger decoction
Peel the ginger and after that put it in water and let it boil for some time. When the water becomes half, then understand that your decoction is ready. Consume this decoction in case of sore throat or pain. Drinking it two to three times a day can provide a lot of relief.

Honey is widely used in home remedies. This is because honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which are effective in relieving sore throat, sore throat, cough and cold. You can drink honey by adding it to hot water, put it in herbal tea or it can also be eaten with ginger.

Decoction of basil
Basil decoction is very beneficial for sore throat. To make it, boil water in a vessel on a high flame. On the other hand, grind cloves, black pepper, and cinnamon in a mixer. Now put this ground spice in a vessel and boil it along with some basil leaves.

You can use cloves for sore throat in many ways. It can be chewed plain, can be consumed by adding cloves to hot water, or can make clove herbal tea. To make clove herbal tea, boil cloves in a cup of water and add half a teaspoon of honey, filter, and drink.

Apple vinegar
Apple vinegar is very beneficial in eliminating the bacteria born from sore throats. Mixing one teaspoon of apple vinegar in your herbal tea and drinking and gargling with one teaspoon of vinegar mixed in water can also cure the problem of cough.