Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives today. Nowadays smartphones are not only used for calling but also for sharing photos and ordering food. Any item bought from the market has an expiry date.

Do you know that even a smartphone has an expiry date? Have you ever thought that what is the expiry date of the smartphone you are using and how long it can be used? Come, today we are going to tell you about the expiry date.

How long is the life of a smartphone?
As far as the life of the smartphone is concerned, no matter how much you use it, it gets damaged at some point or the other. There is no expiry date for the smartphone. But there are some reasons due to which the smartphone gets damaged. If you use a branded company's smartphone, then it can support you for many years. But, there are many such problems due to which the phone gradually stops working.

Companies do this trick
Nowadays smartphone companies making smartphones have become more clever. Nowadays, after 2-3 years of buying a smartphone, software updates stop getting. Because of this, it becomes very difficult to use a smartphone. Smartphones' performance deteriorates due to not getting new updates. Because of this, you have to buy a new phone. Not only this, but companies also stop making phone accessories after two-three years.

When should I get a new phone?
It depends on you when you want to buy a new smartphone. Nowadays new phones are being launched in the market every day. Many times due to a lack of budget, we are not able to buy a new phone. By doing this our budget gets spoiled. According to experts, the smartphone should be used only till it is usable. If your phone's battery and performance is slow then you can buy a new phone.
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