Every second user is using a smartphone almost the whole day. The phone is the need of today's time, on the other hand, it is not hidden from anyone that excessive use of a phone can harm the user. The eyes can be harmed by the light emanating from the device screen.

How far should the phone be from the eyes?
Do you know at what distance is it safe to use the phone? If not, then this information may be useful for you. It is advisable to keep the phone 12 inches or 30 centimeters away from the face.

Even iPhone maker company Apple offers a special feature to protect the eyes of its users.

If a distance of 12 inches is not maintained then there will be loss.
According to the information given on Apple's website, if the user uses his phone too close, it can affect his eyesight. Ignoring the 12-inch distance for a long time can put the user at risk of eyestrain and myopia.

What is myopia
In the case of myopia, the distance vision of a healthy person is affected. A person can see nearby objects, but when he sees distant objects, it appears blurry. Children can also be victims of myopia.

Which feature of the iPhone is useful?
Actually, the iPhone maker company is providing the facility of screen distance with iOS 17 software update. This feature is on by default for children under 13 years of age.

As soon as the user brings the screen near the eyes, an alert is issued on the phone screen.