Smart Bulb: In the era of increasing technology, the trend of smart devices has also increased very fast. From lighting the lights to turning on the fan, and washing machine, everything is done in one voice. These days there is a lot of craze among people regarding smart lights. Smartphone makers like Mi also offer smart bulbs. Apart from this, devices like bulbs, light switches, and add-on plugs are also available in the market as smart lights. With such a device, the house can be made a smart home.

All smart lighting devices allow you to connect and operate them from your smartphone. With this, all the lights of the house can be controlled simultaneously. You can also set it to turn on and off at sunrise and sunset and configure them to work with other devices.

Let us see how smart light bulbs work.
Smart bulbs require a smartphone, tablet or home automation hub to operate as they use communication standards like Bluetooth, WiFi, etc. to connect your device to an app on your automation system.

Many people investing in smart home technology now decide to use a hub or home automation system, such as Vest, or Wink, or activated systems such as Google Home, Amazon Alexa, and Apple Home Kit.

When all devices and data are connected in a smart home system, you can set up any smart device to work with other smart devices.