These are all the benefits of Vitamin E capsules... Young skin and a glowing face is everyone's desire. But many do not know what to do for this and what not. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you about a trick suggested by experts, which will not only give beauty to your face but will also make your skin very healthy... So let us tell you...

Vitamin E... It is an antioxidant that protects our skin from damage caused by pollution and harmful rays of the sun. At the same time, it helps in keeping the cells healthy. In such a situation, if you also want clean and beautiful skin, then you can apply Vitamin E capsules, which will give tone and moisture to the skin and also get rid of wrinkles. In such a situation, let us know with what things Vitamin E capsules should be mixed and applied...

1. Lemon juice
Lemon is also very helpful in increasing facial glow. Vitamin C present in lemon works as an antioxidant for the skin. In such a situation, open the Vitamin E capsule, extract oil from it, mix it with lemon juice, and apply it on your face, then massage the face with light hands. Wash it for 15-20 minutes, after which your face will start glowing like the moon.

2. Honey
Honey is also beneficial for your skin. Actually, the antibacterial present in it helps in removing acne and blemishes from the face. Besides providing moisture to the face, it also keeps it hydrated. For this, extract the oil from a Vitamin E capsule, mix it with honey, apply it on the face, wait for some time and wash it, which will eliminate dryness, swelling, and wrinkles on the face. However, keep in mind that use it before sleeping at night.

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