Study reports show that a large population in many countries of the world, including India, is suffering from sleep problems. For a healthy body, at least seven to nine hours of good and uninterrupted sleep at night is necessary. That's why a growing number of people in America are opting for "sleep detox" to help improve their night's sleep.

According to a survey by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), more than one-third of people say that problems like a partner's snoring, fan speed, and setting the temperature of the AC interfere with sleep, to avoid it. Husband and wife sometimes or constantly sleep in different rooms. This trend is being seen increasing in India also.

Let us understand from health experts whether the practice of 'sleep divorce' is good for the relationship between husband and wife or can have disadvantages in the long run.

First, know what is 'sleep divorce' is.
'Sleep Divorce', as the name suggests, is a style of 'mutual separation for sleep'. It can be understood that to get good sleep, husband and wife sleep in separate rooms, on separate beds, or at different times. The sound of a partner's snoring disrupts sleep, apart from this, there may be arguments or disagreements between the couple regarding the temperature of the AC, the speed of the fan, or some other things so that its effect does not affect their sleep, hence this trend is followed in many countries. Is growing rapidly.

What is the expert's opinion on 'sleep divorce'?
To understand whether the practice of 'sleep divorce' is good for relationships, we talked to psychiatrist Dr. Satyakant Trivedi. Dr. Satyakant explains that sleep problems can significantly affect relationships. Time and again, health experts have been suggesting everyone to get good sleep, it is important for both mental and physical health. The effect of not getting proper sleep even for one night is seen in the form of anger, fatigue, and irritability the next day.

Separate sleeping arrangements are emerging as a practical approach. This is not in any way a sign of failure of the relationship, but if the couple takes such a decision to promote the quality of sleep, then it can be considered a good step for better health.

This can improve the quality of sleep
Dr Satyakant says, that if couples talk openly about their problems and decide to have a 'sleep divorce' to prioritize sleep quality, it can also have long-term health benefits.

This not only helps in getting good sleep but also provides mental peace, mutual love increases and the problem of quarrels and irritability also goes away. Insomnia is a rapidly growing serious health problem globally, and the practice of 'sleep divorce' may help it to some extent.

It is also important to keep these things in mind
Psychiatrists say, the first and most important condition for 'sleep divorce' is that there should be mutual consent of the couple, otherwise sleeping separately can create emotional distance, especially if it affects the physical relationship. Therefore, problems affecting sleep should be discussed openly.

Apart from this, it is also important for husband and wife to give priority to spending quality time together. In many countries where the quality of sleep is decreasing, doctors recommend adopting methods like 'sleep divorce' for some time.