The problem of sleeplessness can occur at any age and for many reasons. However, if this problem persists for a long time then it can be considered a sign of serious health problems. Health experts say sleep-related difficulties affect millions of people around the world. In some situations, it is also considered a sign of serious disease, for which it becomes necessary for you to take special precautions.

Health experts say it is important for people of all ages to get at least 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. If you often have difficulty sleeping, then it becomes necessary to seek expert advice in this regard in time. In some situations, the problem of insomnia is seen as the cause of serious diseases developing in the body, whose timely treatment becomes necessary.

Problem of sleep disorders
A study published in the Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice revealed that children in three districts of Kerala, Ernakulam, Idukki, and Kottayam, showed significantly poor sleep quality. Most children diagnosed with the problem were victims of stressful life events and medical problems. Experts say that the problem of sleeplessness in children and adults can have a serious impact on both physical and mental health.

Let us know which health problems sleep can be affected.

Stress and depression
Health experts say mental health problems are a major cause of sleeplessness and insomnia. Many reports show that cases of depression and anxiety can increase due to lifestyle, routine, lack of physical activities, and negative environment around children and adults. Due to these mental health problems, the problem of insomnia is most prominently seen. Timely treatment of problems like stress and depression is very important.

Problems with digestive disorders
According to studies, people experiencing stomach and digestive problems may experience less sleep than healthy people. Digestive disorders are known to increase physical and mental discomfort, which can make it difficult to sleep at night. Not only this, the more your sleep is affected, the greater the risk of developing digestive health problems, hence sleep problems should be given serious attention.

Neurological disorders
The risk of neurological health problems has been seen to increase rapidly over the years, and can also cause sleep-related problems. Neurological conditions such as sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea, insomnia, and parasomnia can interfere with sleep quality and worsen its symptoms. Quality of life is also affected due to neurological disorders, hence its timely treatment becomes necessary.