Health experts emphasize the need for good sleep along with a healthy diet and regular exercise to maintain both physical and mental health. By getting good sleep, the balance of hormones becomes better, as well as the brain gets to rest. Researchers have found that if you do not get enough sleep even for one night, it can cause side effects on the body. This situation can increase the risk of problems like fatigue-weakness and irritability in you.

Health experts say sleep problems are being reported at an increasing rate among people of all ages. Some bad habits of routine are considered responsible for this. The researchers found that due to the increasing use of mobile laptops and the blue light emitted from them, sleep problems are being affected. This problem is also being seen increasing in children.

Let us know how mobile laptops can increase sleep problems and what efforts should be made to improve it.

Increased screentime and sleep problems
In many studies, concern has been raised about the fact that the way people are seeing the habit of excessive use of mobile phones, is not only increasing the problem of sleep, but due to this, weight gain and mental health are also being increased. The effect is also being seen.

Health experts report that two or more hours of screen time in the evening can seriously disrupt melatonin, which is essential for sleep. This is why experts recommend turning off all electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime.

If you want good sleep then eat fatty fish
Fatty fish are rich in a variety of nutrients that are required by our bodies regularly. Research studies have found that including fatty fish in the diet can be a good option if you want better sleep. A study conducted over several months found that people who ate fatty fish three times per week saw a significant improvement in their sleep quality.

Nuts are also beneficial
Nutritionists say that nuts are essential for all people. Consuming nuts is considered beneficial for maintaining physical and mental health. Researchers found that adding nuts like almonds and walnuts to your diet can also reduce your risk of sleep-related problems. Pistachios and cashews are considered to be one of the beneficial nuts for relieving sleep disorders.

Turmeric milk is also beneficial
Researchers have found that regularly consuming turmeric milk can be especially beneficial for you to overcome sleep-related disorders. Turmeric milk is believed to have relaxing properties for the body. Its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to calm the nervous system relaxes the body and also aids in getting sound sleep.

Drinking warm milk mixed with turmeric before sleeping can be beneficial in removing sleep problems.