Sleep Deprivation: You know very well how important it is to get enough sleep. Due to lack of sleep, there are many bad effects on the body, which can also lead to the emergence of serious conditions. According to Britain's National Health Service, every person should complete 9 hours of sleep at night. However, due to today's busy schedule and lifestyle, sleep is often not complete. Because of this many problems arise. Do you know that due to not getting good sleep, you can have many skin-related problems?

According to the report of The Sun, due to insomnia, dark circles ie dark circles will arise around your eyes. Due to not sleeping properly, there can be swelling in the eyes. Some people also experience an excessive desire to eat, anger and irritability. Apart from this, fatigue, lack of concentration and more chances of making mistakes also arise. Experts say that if you do not get enough sleep for three days, then these symptoms will start appearing in you faster.

Not getting enough sleep leads to weight gain!
Some people experience sleep for a few seconds, which is called microsleep. This sleep can last for 30 seconds and many times you do not even realize it. Due to lack of sleep, you will neither be active in your work nor will you be able to take quick decisions. It is also believed that for those who do not sleep well, their weight also increases rapidly.

Have a bad effect on the immune system
According to the National Health Service (NHS), several studies have shown that people who sleep less than 7 hours a day are more likely to gain weight. Whereas people who sleep more than 7 hours, do not have to face this problem. Our body needs good sleep and rests to fight against infections and diseases. But when we do not do this, many health problems arise in the body. Lack of sleep also badly affects the immune system, which can lead to many diseases.