Five Green Leaves For Uric Acid: Increasing uric acid in the body is such a problem due to which there is a risk of other serious diseases as well. When dirty substances start accumulating in our body and they are not able to come out, then it is called an increase of uric acid. Mainly because of this, a chemical called purine starts breaking down in the body. It starts accumulating directly in the blood. When its excess starts, then the problem of unbearable pain and swelling starts in the feet of the person.

When uric acid increases, people start taking some medicines with the advice of the doctor. Also, refrain from eating and drinking. But today we will tell you about five such things, the use of which will destroy the increased uric acid in your body. These are some miraculous leaves, which you should include in your daily diet. Let's know about them...

1. Tulsi leaves-

Consumption of Tulsi leaves cures many types of infections. Similarly, Tulsi is also beneficial in reducing uric acid. You chew basil regularly. Or boil its water and drink it. This will reduce the level of uric acid to a great extent.

2. Betel leaf-

Betel leaf is very effective for health. Betel leaf is also very effective in reducing the increased uric acid in the body. By consuming betel leaves, uric acid crystals come out in the blood.

3. Curry leaves-

If the amount of uric acid in your body has increased, then start consuming curry leaves in food. By including curry leaves in your daily diet, the uric acid deposited in your blood will gradually reduce.

4. Fenugreek leaves-

Fenugreek leaves are also very beneficial in the problem of uric acid. You can eat them by making greens. Iron is also rich in fenugreek. If you want, you can also eat fenugreek leaves by chewing them. Eating this will control uric acid in the body.

5. Coriander leaves-

Coriander leaves are used in almost many types of food. This leaf is also helpful in getting rid of uric acid. You can eat coriander leaves like medicines. Its fragrance is also very good.

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