We use many types of products to take care of the skin during summer. However, if you want to pamper your skin naturally, then you should consider using curd. Due to its cooling effect, curd not only cools the skin but also reduces redness and improves skin hydration.

Not only this, the lactic acid present in curd balances the pH level of the skin. Curd also has natural bleaching properties, which can help in lightening the complexion of the skin. With this, you can also get relief from the problem of uneven skin tone although curd is beneficial for the skin in many ways. But while applying it to your skin, you should take special care of some small tips. About which we are telling you today in this article-

Must do a patch test

If you are using curd on your face for the first time, then do a patch test first. For this, apply curd on a small part of your skin and wait for some time. By this, you will know whether your skin is allergic to curd or not. If there is no negative reaction on the skin then you can apply it on your face.

Curd should not spoil

While applying curd on the face, it is very important to pay attention to its quality. If you are using packet curd, then its date should not be expired. On the other hand, if the smell is coming from the curd made at home, then do not apply it on the face. Due to this, the chances of irritation or infection in your skin increase manifold.

Clean face

It's a small tip, but it pays off a lot. Never apply curd directly on your face. Rather, before this clean the face with the help of a mild cleanser. This will help in removing any kind of dirt or makeup present on the face. When the face is clean then curd will be able to work on the skin more effectively.

Do not scrub vigorously

Many times when we massage the skin after applying curd, we rub the face very vigorously. But avoid doing this. It would be better if you clean your fingers and massage the skin in a circular motion with the help of it.If you apply too much pressure or rub your face vigorously, it can irritate your skin.

Don't leave it too long

Some women feel that if they leave the curd on their skin for a longer time, it will give them more benefits. However, it is not like that. Always keep in mind that you leave the curd on the face only for 10-15 minutes. Leaving it for too long can dry out your skin or even cause skin irritation.

Must apply moisturizer

Even though curd provides moisture to your skin. But once you clean the curd from the skin, then after keeping the skin hydrated, apply moisturizer keeping in mind your skin type.

So now you also keep these tips in mind while applying curd on your skin and pamper your skin in a better way.

Image Credit – freepik