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There are many drinks to cool the body in summer. At this time of summer, every person must consume fruits like watermelon and melon. There is no shortage of water in the body by consuming these fruits. You can also consume 'Shikanji' for cooling in summer. For this, it is necessary to have the best 'Shikanji Masala'. If Shikanji Masala is of better taste then the pleasure of drinking Shikanji will double. Know how to make-

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Ingredients for Shikanji Masala

two teaspoons of black salt,

1 teaspoon white salt,

Two teaspoons black pepper seeds,

12 to 15 cardamom,

Two teaspoons roasted cumin,

Shikanji Masala Recipe

First heat a pan. Add cumin seeds and roast them. Fry till the cumin seeds turn brown. After this, put black pepper in the pan and heat it with cumin. Now take out both the things on a plate and spread them. After this, put cardamom seeds, raw cumin seeds, and lightly ground myrobalan in a grinder.

Blend them all well in a grinder. After grinding all, add roasted cumin and black pepper. Also, add black salt and white salt. Now Shinji Masala is ready. You can also use it after filtering.