Fruits are rich in many nutrients, the consumption of which is considered good for our health. But do you know that the peels of fruits also contain many nutrients which prove to be beneficial for the skin? With the help of fruit peels, you can get rid of the skin problems that arise due to sunlight, dust, pollution, and many other reasons in the present time. Fruit peels can add beauty to your beauty. Today in this episode, we are going to tell you about some such fruits, using which you can bring back the glow of the face and make it shiny. Let's know about these fruits...

Cucumber peels
Do you know that you can use cucumber peel to brighten your skin? Wherein now cucumber peels can make you beautiful by improving your skin. Just dry and grind the peels of cucumber, then make a paste by adding a few drops of lemon juice to it, then add aloe vera gel or wheat flour to it, then apply this paste on your face and leave it for 10 minutes. After that wash the face with cold water, it will make the face clean.

Orange peel
Orange peel can be used to make the face shiny. Orange peel not only brightens the skin but also reduces blemishes, acne, and tanning on the face. First of all, you have to dry the orange peels and make powder. Prepare a paste by mixing 3 teaspoons of raw milk and two pinches of turmeric in this powder. Then this paste has to be applied to the face and after drying it has to be washed with water. With this, along with improving your face, tanning of the face can also be reduced.

Papaya peels
Papaya is very beneficial for our health, but do you know that papaya peels are very beneficial for our skin? If you apply papaya peels on your skin, then it can provide benefits for many problems related to your skin. Papaya peels are rich in vitamin C which prevents wrinkles from appearing on your skin. Also, alpha hydroxy acids are found in its peel. By applying it on the face daily, along with moisture in the skin, also improves.

Mango peel
You will find mangoes everywhere in the summer season. Because it has unique advantages. Often people throw away the peels after eating mangoes considering them useless. But instead of throwing these peels, you can use them to make the face shiny. Make a paste by grinding mango peel and apply it on the face after drying, wash it with water. This can get rid of wrinkles, and pimples. You can also make powder by drying mango peel. Then it can be mixed with rose water and flour and applied on the skin like a boil.

Banana peels
Its peels contain many vitamins that activate enzymes and proteins in the body, which increases collagen and flexibility inside the skin. Banana peels are rich in antioxidants which work to relieve stress. Applying the crushed banana peel on the face removes tanning and pimples. Also, if there are wrinkles on the face, then you should use banana peels. Rub the inside of the banana peel on the face for a few minutes, then apply rose water and wash the face after 15 minutes. By doing this, slowly your wrinkles will start disappearing. If you want to get rid of dark circles under the eyes, then you should use banana peels. For this, you have to remove all the threads inside it. Add one spoon of Aloe Vera gel to it, then apply this paste around the eyes. Wash off after 10 minutes.

Apple peels
Apple peel works to improve the skin. Put some apple peels in water to boil. Remove the apple peels from the water and wash the face with that water. The antioxidants present in apples protect the skin from sun damage. Apart from this, making powder from its peel and mixing it with oats and curd can also be applied on the face. Massage for a few minutes and wash your face with water.