Our skin is very delicate and we try to take care of it in many ways. Sometimes different types of beauty treatments are done to cure the face and sometimes different types of creams are used. But do you know that many creams unknowingly irritate our skin so much that different types of rashes start appearing on the skin and it becomes very red or sometimes even wounds are formed due to the reaction?

Knowingly or unknowingly we apply many such things on the skin which we should not apply. Dermatologists sometimes prescribe creams that are meant for a particular problem, but people keep using them even after the problem is over.

Dermatologist DrAanchalPanth of Dermafollix skin & hair transplant clinic has shared information related to this on her Instagram account. She has told me which creams should not be applied without thinking.

Topical steroids

We apply many creams like mometasone, fluticasone, betamethasone without thinking. They can spoil our skin so much that permanent dark spots may appear on our skin. Most people apply them to reduce dark spots, but they work exactly the opposite. You should stay away from topical steroids and if a dermatologist prescribes them to you, only take the dose as prescribed.

Steroid creams

There are many steroid creams like Betnovate-N that people apply for whitening or to reduce acne, but after showing immediate effect, they can make skin acne worse. If these creams are used for a long time, they can thin the skin and this makes the blood vessels more visible. Along with this, facial hair can also grow more.

These skin creams can make the skin appear redder and therefore you mustn't apply them without a prescription. These can make the skin worse instead of getting better.

When can these creams be used?

These creams are always to be used only when prescribed by the doctor. These are prescribed for many problems like eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis, but they have to be applied to the skin for a very short time.

Which creams are right to apply?

Ingredients like salicylic acid, adapalene, benzoyl peroxide can be chosen if you are having acne problems. You can tell your dermatologist about the right beauty products for this.

Ingredients like kojic acid, arbutin, glycolic acid, liquorice extract, and niacinamide will prove to be the best to reduce dark spots.

You should always do a patch test on your skin before using any new product to know what suits your skin and what doesn't. By doing a patch test, if any reaction is visible on your skin, then it is already known.

Before using any product on your skin, you must talk to the doctor once. Expert suggestions will be more suitable for you.


Your skin and body are as different as you are. We endeavour to bring you correct, safe and expert-verified information through our articles and social media handles, but still, you must consult your doctor before trying any home remedy, hack or fitness tip.