Do you also want to look young forever? For this, you resort to expensive treatments, but their effect does not last long. In such a situation, you should think about your skin condition.

Special care should be taken of the skin in old age. You should know which products suit your skin. If you do not know this then the skin can be damaged. Beauty products should also be updated with age. You cannot use the same SPF sunscreen all the time. Today in this article, we will tell you what things should be avoided to look young.

Silicone and Paraben products

To look young in old age, you should not use such products on the skin which contain silicone, paraben colour, or fragrance. These elements damage your skin. Bad skin looks old. That's why whenever you buy a skincare product; do read the information written on the product once.

Make distance from local products

Facial skin is very delicate. Therefore, avoid using local products on the skin. Your skin can be damaged due to the cheap affair. You will find dupes of branded products in the market, but you should not buy these either. Buy only company products.

Learn also

The problem of wrinkles is also common with ageing. Due to the decrease in collagen and elasticity in the skin, the skin starts hanging and wrinkles. Therefore, you should avoid using such products on the skin, the use of which affects the elasticity of the skin. You will find collagen made from cream to powder in the market.

Keep these things in mind

  • You should avoid bleaching in old age. The amount of chemicals in bleach is high, due to which the skin starts deteriorating from the inside.
  • Use wipes sparingly to clean makeup and skin. These wipes also contain chemicals, which work to spoil the skin. Instead, you can remove makeup with the help of natural oil.
  • Do not skip the CTM procedure in your skincare routine. Only through CTM, you can keep your skin healthy and young.
  • Instead of using scrubs made of harsh chemicals, use natural things like honey and sugar to exfoliate the skin. It helps in removing dead skin without damaging the skin.
  • If you get facials or face cleanup done, then use such products, which are made of natural things.
  • Do not use a razor to remove facial hair. Using a razor removes hair painlessly, but it can cause damage to the skin.
  • You should also take special care of your diet so that the science of anti-ageing is not visible. Keep your distance from oily foods.

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