What is a good skincare routine? Have you ever asked this question to anyone? A good skincare routine is one in which the products used can solve the rest of your skin problems.

If you want to have healthy, glowing and glowing skin, then you should follow a proper skincare routine according to your skin type. Now the question arises is there any one right way to take care of your skin? Also, are there such products which are important for our skin?

This is what skin and hair expert DrChitraAnand tells through her social media. She says that there are many products which you must include in your skincare routine. A properly followed routine is essential for healthy and glowing skin.

Is it important to take skincare?

The answer is - Yes, taking care of the skin not only makes the skin look good but is also good for skin health. Your skin is the largest organ of your body. Not taking proper care of it can have a serious impact on your health. For example, not cleaning the face daily causes dirt to accumulate, which can lead to breakouts? Not using sunscreen lotion causes the problem of tanning.

This is why you must follow a good skincare routine. Your aim should not only be to look good but also to feel good.

Which skin care products must be applied?

Be sure to apply sunscreen lotion

Sunscreen lotion protects your skin from sun rays. Sun exposure can cause skin burns. This can cause sun spots and skin damage. Sunscreen lotion protects your skin from these dangers. Not only this, it helps in reducing the signs of ageing. The collagen and connective tissue of sun-exposed skin can be damaged. Sunscreen: To protect your skin from all these problems, you must use sunscreen. DrChitraAnand says to include sunscreen with SPF 40 or more in your skincare routine.

Be sure to apply barrier repair cream

Due to daily running around and sun exposure, the skin starts losing moisture. Barrier repair cream is an essential part of your skincare product. It helps in preventing access moisture loss from the skin. Due to the lack of moisture in the skin, the skin becomes very dry. Barrier repair cream also treats skin dryness, so don't forget to include it in your routine.

Don't forget to exfoliate

By doing exfoliation it is easy to remove the dirt hidden inside the skin. It facilitates the skin renewal process and can help in the production of healthy cells. Due to the formation of a layer of dead skin cells, the skin gradually starts looking old. At the same time, exfoliation helps your skin retain a healthy glow. Exfoliation also makes it easier for the skin to absorb moisture.

Make oral supplements a part of your routine

DrChitra also advises taking oral supplements. Supplements like collagen, vitamin C and other multivitamins improve the appearance of your skin. This can also reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles. At the same time, supplements like probiotics and omega-3 help in improving your skin condition.

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