Photo Credit: Jagran

We all know very well that the harmful rays of the sun are very harmful to our skin. Due to exposure to the hot sun in the summer season, there is a problem of tanning on the skin. Tanning also reduces the beauty of the skin. To get rid of this problem, people adopt many methods and also use beauty products available in the market, but let us tell you that using these chemical-rich beauty products for a long time is harmful to our skin. In such a situation, today through this article we are going to tell about some home remedies to get rid of tanning. Please tell that you can also use cucumber and glycerin to remove tanning. Let's know about it in detail -

* Use cucumber and glycerin for the skin in this way:

To overcome the problem of tanning on the skin, first of all, take two spoons of cucumber juice in a bowl add half or one spoon of glycerin to it and mix it well. After this, leave this prepared mixture on the face for 10 to 15 minutes, after that wash the face thoroughly with clean water.

Photo Credit: HerZindagi

* Cucumber is very beneficial for the skin:

Let us tell you that the use of cucumber helps in keeping our skin hydrated. With the use of cucumber, our skin remains hydrated and glowing. In the summer season, the skin gets burnt due to sunlight, in such a situation, the use of cucumber works to reduce the redness of the skin. The use of cucumber on the skin also gives relief from the problem of pimples because its use works to cool our skin. The use of cucumber helps in balancing the pH level of our skin.

Photo Credit: Grehlakshmi

* Glycerine is beneficial for the skin:

The use of glycerin is considered to be a very effective way to remove tanning on the skin in the summer season, its use removes the problem of spots and pigmentation on the skin. Glycerin keeps our skin hydrated and is considered the best way to moisturize the skin naturally. By using it, our skin remains soft. Glycerin works to tighten the skin. It has anti-aging properties. It works to protect against wrinkles and fine lines.