Photo Credit: International

It is seen that most people use alum for household and household purposes, but do you know that it is also very beneficial for your skin? Alum is rich in antibacterial and antifungal properties for various problems. It kills bacteria and makes the skin glow while eliminating the problem of facial irritation and itching. Alum can be used in many ways for the skin. It is seen that most people dissolve it in water and apply it on the face, but do you know that you can use alum in many other ways on your skin? Let us tell you through this article about the ways of using alum to get rid of the problem of pimples -

* Rose water with alum:

The use of alum is considered very effective in bringing back the lost complexion. You can also use it with rose water. To prepare this mixture, first make alum powder, add rose water to it, and prepare a paste. Now apply this paste thoroughly on the face and neck and massage it with light hands in a circular motion. Leave this mixture on the face for 15 minutes and then wash the face with clean water. But keep in mind that do not wash the face with soap or face wash. After washing this mixture, definitely use moisturizer. If you do this, then skin-related problems start going away.

Photo Credit:Jansatta

* Multani mitti with alum :

To get relief from facial problems, you can also use alum and multani mitti paste. To make this paste, first take alum powder, after that add clay, rose water, and aloe vera gel and make the paste. Prepare. Now apply this prepared paste on the face and scrub it with light hands and leave it on the face for 20 minutes, after which wash the face thoroughly with clean water. By doing this, the problem of blemishes and oily acne on the face starts going away. Using this paste also relieves irritation and redness on the skin.

Photo Credit: India

* Glycerine Toner with Alum :

To make your face shiny, you can also use glycerine along with alum. You can also use it as a toner. To use it, first heat water in a pan, then add powder prepared from alum and some basil leaves in it. Now boil your water thoroughly and when it cools down, fill it in a spray bottle. Now add a few drops of glycerine to it and mix it well. Now you can use this toner on your face. Doing this brings tightness to the skin and can also provide relief from facial problems.