Photo Credit: Jagran

Special care has to be taken of the skin in the summer season. Taking care of the skin in the summer season is as important as you take care of your health. Our skin can get damaged due to prolonged exposure to harmful sun rays which is why skin experts recommend using sunscreen to avoid skin damage during the summer season. It is a bit difficult to keep the skin healthy in this season but with milk, you can make your skin healthy and glowing. Because such elements are found in milk which help in improving the texture of our skin. Let us tell you through this article about the ways to use milk to get healthy and glowing skin -

Photo Credit:Naidunia

* Milk Cleanser :

After roaming outside all day, dust accumulates on the face. Due to the accumulation of dust on the face for a long time, the face starts turning dark. In such a situation, you can use Durga to brighten your face. For this, you can mix raw milk in it. Soak cotton and clean your face thoroughly. After this, wash your face with clean water, this will easily remove all the dirt stuck on your face.

* Milk Face Pack:

You can also use a face pack made from milk on your face. To prepare a face pack from milk, mix milk, and honey in equal quantities, after that apply this mixture on the face and leave it for about 20 minutes. After this wash your face with clean water.

Photo Credit: Hari Bhoomi

* Milk and turmeric face pack:

You can also use a face pack made of milk and turmeric to keep your skin healthy and glowing, For this you mix a pinch of turmeric in a spoonful of milk and mix it well, after that apply this prepared mixture on your face for 20 minutes. Leave it for a minute, after that wash your face with clean water, using your skin will start shining like glass.

* Milk and Oatmeal Scrub:

For this, take oatmeal and milk in equal quantities and mix them well. After this, apply this prepared mixture thoroughly on your face and wash your face after scrubbing with light hands.