Skin Care Tips: Skin related to most of the girls in the summer season The problem is nagging. One of the most common problems is sun tanning.

Skin Care Tips: In the summer season, most of the girls are suffering from skin related problems. One of the most common problems is sun tanning. This problem increases due to heat. The sun can cause sunburn as well as dead skin making the skin look dull. So if your skin is dull due to sun then let us tell you a home remedy today. Try this desi recipe and your skin will look glowing even in summer.

Gram flour

If your skin is dull then mixing green tea with gram flour will prove to be beneficial. For this, mix green tea with three spoons of gram flour and apply this paste on the face. After ten minutes wash the face.

Multan soil

Gram flour and Multani clay are also proven to be very effective for the face. A combination of these two things removes dullness. Multani mudi helps in shrinking skin pores. Also, it starts removing black heads.


Papaya is also best for removing skin dullness. To use it, add papaya paste to a teaspoon of chickpea flour and apply it on the face. After 15 minutes wash the face.


Chickpea flour and turmeric are the best to remove skin dullness and add glow to the skin. For that, mix a teaspoon of gram flour with a pinch of turmeric and coconut oil and massage it on the face. Leave it on the face for 10 minutes and then wash the face with lukewarm water.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Medical advice should be taken before adopting it. KT does not endorse it.)