In the rainy season, many people have skin-related problems or simply say that itching of the skin bothers them a lot. The biggest trouble is when you get the treatment for scabies. After treatment, the itching gets cured but it comes back again. Sometimes it happens that you are taking medicine, then the itching is under control and as soon as you stop the medicine, the itching again hits hard. This goes on for the whole year. This means itching remains throughout the year at an interval of one or two months. Fungal infection is a big problem, especially in India. 61.5 percent of people are victims of fungal infection at some point or other. Now the question arises what is the reason behind this? Ringworm, itching, itching happens again after getting cured, so the biggest reason behind this is that it is not being treated properly.

Why itching starts again after getting cured

Some people feel that by applying some homemade cream or home remedies, the fungal infection will be cured. But this does not happen at all. It is very important to get it treated properly. First of all, it is very important to find out what kind of fungus has caused ringworm, and itching, it is very important to find out. Because in different corners of the country, people get skin-related diseases due to different fungi. Because every place in the country has a different climate and weather. T. macrophytes of the fungus, which is tinea or ringworm (ringworm, scabies), are often more in the moist environment of Mumbai, Kolkata, and sea areas. While athlete's foot, jock itch, and ringworm (T. rubrum) are frequently seen in the Delhi area. Along with this, such diseases have been seen in Lucknow and Hyderabad. Many people keep applying cream continuously but the fungus does not die properly, rather it spreads.

What is the treatment for fungal infection

Ringworm or itching comes out like a crust or blister on the skin. And later start appearing like red spots. Many people think that it can be cured by home remedies but it is not possible. Immediate and immediate treatment of fungal infection is very important, otherwise, it starts spreading rapidly. And also affects other parts of the body. If you want to avoid fungal infection, then take full care of your cleanliness. Do not use other's towels, combs, and brushes even by mistake. Take maximum care of hygiene. Keep in mind one thing in a crowded area your skin should not touch anyone else. Before the skin disease gets worse, consult a doctor immediately. Consult them and eat medicine on time.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods, and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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