Japanese Skin: Whenever we see Japanese women, the first thing that attracts our attention is their young, glowing and glowing skin. In this way, all women are very beautiful in themselves, but Japanese women look younger than their age. It is not just a skincare routine that keeps your skin healthy, but their diet also plays an important role in the same. Let's know the secret of her beauty-

The secret of Japanese women's beautiful skin is their diet, know
foods rich in omega 3

Omega 3 is a nutrient that is abundant in the traditional Japanese diet. Japanese people consume high amounts of fish oil and low amounts of sugary foods, salt, and meat.

Japanese green tea
Japanese green tea has many benefits and is effective in promoting the health of your skin and hair. It moisturizes and hydrates your skin, helps treat acne, and fights premature aging. Apart from this, it can also help in reducing the swelling, redness, and irritation in your eyes.

Japanese people cook most of their food without oil. Their cooking methods include simmering, steaming, stewing, and grilling.

Tofu can be a suitable option if you are looking for vegetarian food. It is rich in protein and does not contain cholesterol.

Sweet potatoes
The beta-carotene found in sweet potatoes converts to vitamin A when consumed, which helps keep your skin smooth and enriches it with important nutrients.

Spinach helps to boost Vitamin C and also increases the production of collagen in your body.

Kiwi contains various vitamins, folate, and potassium and is a powerful antioxidant. It hydrates your skin and helps in retaining its moisture and helps in making it glow.