People played with colors at the Holi festival. Some played Holi with Abir-Gulal and some with Pakka colors. If Abeer-Gulal gets applied on the face, it is easy to remove it, but if Holi is played with solid colors, then its color gets absorbed into the skin. It is a very difficult task to remove the solid color from the skin.

The big thing is that if this permanent color remains on your skin for a long time, then the problem of irritation, redness, and itching starts appearing on the skin. In such a situation, people try to clean this color as soon as possible.

If you try to remove colors by rubbing them from the skin, the problem increases further. In such a situation, we are going to tell you about some such home remedies, using which you can easily remove the color of your skin.

Gram flour and milk
If the effect of permanent color is still visible on your face, then take gram flour in a bowl and add a little milk to it. Now apply this paste properly on your face. After some time, massage the face gently and then wash the face. Milk will provide relief from a burning sensation on the face.

Rice Flour and Honey
Rice flour is used as a natural scrub. To use it, first of all, take rice flour in a bowl and add a little honey to it. Now apply this pack to your body. This will not only remove the color but honey will also provide moisture to your skin.

Raw Papaya and Milk
Raw papaya contains many elements which are beneficial for the skin. In such a situation, grind raw papaya and mix a little milk, multani mitti, and almond oil in it well. Now apply this paste to your skin. Wash your face after half an hour. It provides relief to the skin to a great extent.

Milk Powder and Honey
If you have milk powder, put the powder in a bowl and add a little honey to it. After mixing this paste properly, mix rose water in it. Now apply it on the face scrub it and wash the face after 20 minutes.