Photo Credit: Healthshots
We all know very well that in order to beautify the skin, people resort to home remedies and expensive beauty products and treatments available in the market, yet they do not get the desired results, in such a situation, today we are going to tell you about skin An easy and homely way to enhance the beauty. Which some Bollywood actress includes in her skin routine. Tell you that the secret of the glowing skin of these Bollywood actresses is face icing. Let us tell you that applying ice on the face provides many benefits. Come, through this article, let us tell you in detail about easy tips for face icing -
Photo Credit:Naidunia
* What is face icing:
Let us tell you that skin icing is also known as chirotherapy. Actually, it is a kind of skin treatment which is also called skin facial. It is said that in face icing the face is massaged with ice. Applying ice on the skin makes it tight and glow starts coming in it.
* Skin gets coolness:
Skin experts say that applying ice on the skin gives coolness because due to heat the skin starts sweating and due to this sweating, there is a problem of pimples on the face. To get relief from this problem, use ice on the face. By doing this, the skin gets relief from the heat as well as the skin starts to glow.
Photo Credit: HerZindagi
* Gets rid of tanning problem:
It is seen in the summer season that tanning is the most common skin problem. To get rid of this problem, use ice in the summer season, for this, tie a small piece of ice in a cotton cloth and massage the face with light hands. If you adopt this remedy regularly, then in a few days you will The difference becomes visible.
* Use ice like this:
1. To use ice on the skin, do not use ice directly on your face.
2. For this, first wrap a piece of ice in a cloth or use it on the skin with the help of an ice bag.