You must have often heard and seen that many people are allergic to dust. Many people are allergic to even food items but have you heard that many people are allergic to washing soap or detergent? Yes, this is true. Women often face this problem, but they ignore it. Redness of hands while washing clothes, rashes on them, or itching on hands, all these are signs of allergy.

If you also have this problem, then you can get immediate relief from this itching by adopting some home remedies. People who are allergic to detergent or soap should also keep some things in mind while washing clothes. If this problem is not too much then you can adopt the remedies given by us. For more serious allergies, you will need expert advice. For now, let us tell you some remedies to get rid of itching of hands.

Cold water
If your hands are itching due to the use of surf or soap, then first wash the area affected by itching with cold water. This will give immediate relief to itching. You can also keep your hands immersed in cold water for some time.

Aloe vera gel
Many such elements are found in aloe vera gel, the use of which will give you relief from many problems. To use it, you just have to apply aloe vera gel on the area affected by itching. It will cool the skin and reduce itching.

Coconut oil
Coconut oil is present in almost every house. To use it, you just have to slightly heat the coconut oil and apply it on the area affected by itching. It will moisturize the skin and reduce itching. This will give you immediate relief.

Antiseptic, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory elements are found in sandalwood, due to which it always works to cool the skin. In such a situation, you can reduce itching on the skin with its help. This will also give you immediate relief.

Keep these things in mind while washing clothes

Many people are allergic to washing soap and detergent. In such a situation, you can keep some things in mind while washing clothes.

If you use detergent or soap with fewer chemicals, then this will also give you a lot of relief. Apart from this, if you want, you can buy gloves which can be worn while washing clothes.