Photo Credit: Jagran

We all know very well that blackheads are one of the common skin-related problems. Many people remain very troubled by this. Let us tell you that oil in the pores, Pores becomes clogged due to the accumulation of dead skin and dirt. After this, when they come in contact with air, they turn black. These blackheads completely affect the beauty of our faces. To get relief from this problem, it is seen that people use different types of beauty products, but do you know that you can also use many natural things to remove blackheads? These things help in removing blackheads as well as in improving the skin. Their use helps in deep cleansing of the pores. This natural thing also works to nourish our skin. Let us tell you through this article about unnatural things that you can use to get relief from the problem of blackheads. Let us know -

*Tea Tree Oil:

Let us tell you that antiseptic properties are found in tree oil. These control sebum production. This oil fights bacteria. With its use, there is no problem of itching and swelling on your skin. Let us tell you that you can mix aloe vera gel with tea tree oil. Mix these two things, apply the prepared mixture on the skin, and rub it for some time. After this, remove it, and let us tell you that using it helps in removing the dirt from the skin.

Photo Credit:HerZindagi

* Lemon and Honey :

You can also get relief from the problem of blackheads on the face by using lemon and lime. For this, take lemon, sugar, and honey in a bowl. Mix all these things well, then apply it on the affected skin, rub it for some time, and clean it after some time. Let us tell you that the mixture of lemon and honey removes blackheads and cleans the pores.

*Baking Soda and Oats:

To get relief from the problem of blackheads, the use of baking soda and oats is also considered effective. For this, take one spoon of oats in a bowl, then prepare a paste by mixing one spoon of baking soda and water in it. After this, apply this prepared test on the skin. Apply and rub, after that wash the face with clean water. Let us tell you that anti-fungal properties are found in abundance in baking soda.

Photo Credit: Jagran

*Coffee and coconut oil:

You can also get relief from this skin-related problem by using coffee and coconut oil. For this, take ground coffee in a bowl. After this, add one spoon of coconut oil and a little lemon juice and mix it well. After this, apply this prepared mixture on the nose and massage the skin with it for some time. After that wash your face with clean water. This mixture cleans the dirt accumulated in your skin due to which your skin starts looking soft and shiny.