The month of June is going on. Strong sunlight and heat have worsened everyone's condition. It is becoming difficult to get out of the house due to the heat. Due to the perspiration coming in this season, the possibility of itching and infection in the body increases considerably. Due to this, it is very important to pay attention to this change happening in the body along with the change in the weather. If it is ignored then it may turn into a big problem.

Many people resort to skin treatments to relieve itching caused by sweating. At the same time, many people adopt home remedies to get rid of it. In today's article, we are going to tell you about some such home remedies, using which you will also get rid of itching or sweat.

Use neem leaves
Neem is also used as medicine. They are used to remove skin-related problems. To use it, all you have to do is pluck fresh neem leaves and wash them. Now make a paste of it and mix it in the bath water. This will benefit you a lot.

Train with ice
If your body is itching due to heat and sweating, wrap a piece of ice in a cloth and compress the affected area. By doing this your body will get a lot of relief. Not only this but with its help you will also get relief from sunburn.

Oats and Milk
If you scrub the whole body by making a paste of oats and milk before taking a bath, it will give you a lot of relief. It is also helpful in moisturizing your skin.

Tulsi leaf is beneficial
If you want to get quick relief from itching, first make a paste by grinding basil leaves in water and applying it to the skin. The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties present in it cure itchy skin.

(PC: Freepik)