Silence benefits For Brain: As technology has increased. The instability of such a mind has increased. People have become addicted to technology. The noise all around and the disturbed area have taken away peace of mind. Do you know that due to living in this noisy environment, many types of problems start in the body? If it is not resolved at the right time, then the problems become more serious. Will try to know how the body can be benefited from staying in Shantavaas. People who live in noisy places. How do they get hurt?

Understand the meaning of silence
Remaining silent does not mean that if there is any problem, then do not speak, if there is something, then do not answer. Rather, keep yourself calm by avoiding any kind of pollution, and away from noise and alcohol. Apart from this, avoid unnecessary conversation.

1. Blood pressure
The effect of being silent is widely seen in the body. Generally, blood pressure is seen to increase in people living in a place with more noise or noise pollution, while people who live in a quiet place. They are less likely to have problems with BP

2. Increase in concentration
Those who live more peacefully in solitude. Their mind remains more concentrated than those living in troubled places. He can concentrate easily. They increase concentration by harmonizing thoughts.

3. Brain growth
One of the benefits of being silent is that the growth of the brain is better in those who remain calm than in those who live in disturbed places. Silent people have a better understanding of power and thinking ability

4. Control of the cortisol hormone
Living in a noisy or disturbed place can increase the level of cortisol hormone. Due to the increase of cortisol hormone, there is a risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Control of this hormone is very important. Being silent in a quiet place helps to control it.

5. Sleep well
There is also an advantage of being silent when the brain remains active properly, then it gives good sleep. The problem of having any kind of mental disorder is less