Silver Kada Benefits: Astrology has an important place in Sanatan Dharma. Astrologers calculate the future of a person by looking at the horoscope. Jatak has to face difficulties when the auspicious planet is weak in the horoscope. For this, astrologers recommend wearing gems according to zodiac signs. Along with this, they are also asked to wear different metal bracelets. At the same time, when the Moon is weak, it is advised to wear a silver bangle. There are many benefits of wearing a silver bangle. Come, let's know everything about it-

-According to astrologers, wearing a silver bangle pleases Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. His grace showers on the person. Due to this, there is never any shortage of money in the native's house. If you want to please Goddess Lakshmi, then wear a silver bangle on Friday.

- It is implied in astrology that silver is related to the moon. Wearing it gives coolness. If a person gets excessively angry, he should wear a silver bangle. This keeps the mind focused and calm. Along with this, mental stress is also relieved.

-Astrologers say that by wearing a silver bangle, there is communication of positive energy in the body. For this, it is auspicious to wear a silver bangle in the hand. This also removes the negative thoughts coming into the mind.

- The people in whose horoscope the moon is weak. His mind remains restless. Along with this, there is mental tension and restlessness. Astrologers recommend wearing a silver bracelet to strengthen the moon. Friday is auspicious for this. If you want to wear a silver bangle, you can wear it on Friday. Moon defect is also removed by this.

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