You must have often seen children shying away from going to school. Perhaps this has happened to you too in childhood. It is a common habit of children to avoid going to school by making excuses for stomach aches or in any other way, but if your child does this often, then it becomes necessary to pay serious attention to it. Is this fear of going to school due to any psychological disorder or phobia?

This problem of children often avoiding going to school is known as 'scolionophobia' in medical science. In this, a fear of school is formed in their mind. Although it is not classified as a mental illness and there is no clinical diagnosis of it, however, it becomes very important to find out its causes.

In some cases, it is also known as a symptom of anxiety disorder. Children suffering from school phobia often become physically ill at the thought of going to school and also get well after school hours are over. If your child is also a victim of this, then be alert in time.

What is Scolionophobia?

Scolionaphobia is the fear in children's minds about going to school, the effect of which can last for a long time. Although children are sometimes reluctant to go to school, children with scolionaphobia may feel insecure or anxious at the thought of going to school. They can also become physically ill.

If your child starts crying, throwing tantrums, or becomes ill at the time of going to school, then this situation should be paid attention to. Doctors believe that this type of problem is more seen in children whose caregivers or parents are overprotective.

What are the symptoms of scolionaphobia?

If we look at the statistics, it is known that school phobia affects about two to five percent of children, that is, one in every 20 children can have this problem. It is most common in young children between five and eight years old. The primary symptoms of scolionophobia in many children are physical. When they think about going to school, children may have problems like diarrhea, headache, nausea and vomiting, stomachache, tremors, or uncontrolled shaking.

Some children cling to their parents before going to school and are afraid to leave them. Children may also have problems like fear of darkness, and nightmares. If you see such signs for a long time, then you need to be careful.

Why does this problem occur?

There is no clear cause of scolionophobia. But some problems occurring at school or home can cause phobia in children.

Fear of violence at home or in your community.

Lack of housing or homelessness.

Not getting full attention or getting too much attention from your parents or caregiver.

Significant changes in the family, such as relocation, divorce, or death.

Being bullied, teased, or threatened with physical harm by other children at school.

Fear of the teacher, such as the teacher hitting the children, etc.

The child has dyslexia (difficulty in reading and language) or dyscalculia (difficulty in understanding math and numbers).

What to do if you have scolionphobia?

If your child shows symptoms of scolionphobia, then consult a psychiatrist. Teachers and parents can work together to overcome school-related fear in children with mild symptoms. If the symptoms are severe or the child has any other mental health problem, then he needs treatment. For this, the doctor may recommend the use of some type of therapy and medicines.

Pay serious attention to your child's habits and if something seems unusual, then definitely consult a specialist in time.

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