Sawan 2023: The month of Sawan is considered very auspicious in Hinduism. There is a law to worship Lord Shiva in the month of Sawan. Lord Shiva is pleased with the worship done with full devotion this month. But do you know that this holy month of Sawan holds a lot of importance scientifically as well? Let us know that from the point of view of science, what are the things that need to be taken care of in the month of Sawan?

What is the scientific importance of Sawan?
If seen from the point of view of science, our digestive system is fixed on the Sun. In such a situation, the sun rises very less in the month of Sawan. Due to this, our digestive system starts getting weak. This is the reason that the chances of getting waterborne diseases also increase. In such a situation, we need to give rest to our digestive system. For this reason, brinjal, leafy greens, vegetables, non-vegetarian food, and alcohol are prohibited in the month of Sawan so that our digestive system remains good.

Religious Significance of Sawan
Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the world, goes into yoga sleep in the month of Sawan itself. In such a situation, the operation of the universe is done by Lord Shiva. Also, it is the month when the churning of the ocean took place and Shiva got the name Neelkanth because of drinking poison. In the month of Sawan itself, Mother Parvati pleased Mahadev with her harsh penance and the union of Shiva and Shakti began.
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