Salt Reduction Tips: A recent report by the World Health Organization has expressed concern that people's health is at risk due to excessive salt intake in food and beverages. Due to this, diseases like fatal heart disease and stroke have also increased. Not only this but due to excessive consumption of salt, cases of premature death are also coming to the fore. The report also estimated that 11 million deaths were linked to poor diet globally, of which 3 million were due to high sodium intake. Let us know some tips to cut down salt from your daily diet.

Effect of excessive salt intake-
The WHO suggests consuming about 5 grams (or one teaspoon) of salt daily. However, most people eat about 10.8 grams. This can put you at risk of developing various health conditions, such as-

heart failure

heart disease

the strokes

high blood pressure

Untimely death

The report further states that apart from mandatory sodium declaration on pre-packaged food items, there are no other required measures in India.

Tips to reduce salt intake-
Choose fresh food instead of packaged food

Opt for freshly cooked food instead of canned food or ready-made food as these contain excess salt. Buy fresh vegetables and fruits instead of buying frozen fruits and vegetables.

Check the label
When buying frozen or canned vegetables, be sure to check the label and choose a low-salt product.

Keep Salt Off Your Dining Table
You must have seen in most people's homes that there is a box of salt kept on the dining table. But if you want to reduce its intake, then it is better to keep it away from the table, only then you will be able to make a habit of reducing salt.

Do not choose pasteurized food items
Pasteurized foods may be tempting to look at, but you should avoid them at all costs. In such food items, substances like salt, sugar, or oil are added during packing. Instead, try to eat home-cooked food.

Benefits of reducing salt from the diet
prevents bloating

When you reduce your salt intake, you can avoid health conditions like flatulence. It boosts your digestive health and also improves overall health.

Lowers the risk of heart diseases
Consuming too much salt can make you more likely to get heart disease. A low-salt diet, on the other hand, helps control blood pressure, significantly reducing the risk of heart attack, stroke, and other heart-related conditions.