Running is a great exercise which is not only good for physical health but also improves mental health. But do you know that some mistakes while running can weaken your joints? Yes, improper running style can cause pain in knees, ankles, and ankles.

Today we will tell you about some common mistakes made while running and will also know how these mistakes can be avoided.

Wearing wrong shoes
For running, you should always wear good sports shoes which provide proper support to your feet. Shoes should be chosen according to weight and running technique. Old or worn-out shoes can also cause damage to joints.

Running on hard surface
Running on a road or paved surface puts more stress on the joints. For beginners, running on a grass field or treadmill is a better option.

Sudden increase in distance or speed
If you are not in the habit of running, suddenly running long distances or increasing your speed can cause injury to the joints. The distance and speed should always be increased gradually.

Not doing warm-up and cool-down
It is very important to warm up before running and cool down afterward. This keeps the muscles flexible and reduces the risk of injury to the joints.

The wrong way to run
It is important to maintain correct body posture while running. Running by jumping or taking the legs too far back increases the pressure on the joints. One should run by taking small steps while standing straight.

Avoid these mistakes.
- Consult a physiotherapist before running. They can evaluate your running technique and tell if you are making any mistakes.
- Always warm up and cool down properly.
- Increase distance and speed as per your capacity.
- Wear comfortable and supportive shoes for running.
- Maintain correct body posture while running.

By keeping these small things in mind, you can take advantage of the wonderful benefits of running and keeping your joints healthy.

(PC: Freepik)