To stay healthy, special emphasis has been given in Ayurveda on eating habits. Eating right not only maintains the balance of the three doshas present in the body, but it also prevents many diseases. Too much salt and sugar is harmful to staying healthy. But rock salt is considered full of properties in Ayurveda. We all often eat it during fasting. According to Ayurveda, rock salt can provide 5 major benefits to the body. Ayurvedic doctor NitikaKohli is giving information about this. She has done MD in Ayurveda and has about 17 years of experience in this field.

Rock salt for the digestive system

Rock salt is also good for our digestion. For proper digestion, the digestive fire must burn and digest the food. Rock salt is beneficial in this. With this, food gets digested quickly and the balance of electrolytes is maintained in the body.

Rock salt balances vata and pitta

Rock salt balances Vata and Pitta present in the body. Especially during fasting, the problem of gas may increase due to Vata and at the same time Pitta dosha also increases. In such a situation, rock salt is considered to be VataAnulom. When there is excess Vata in the body, more gas is produced, which can lead to constipation and other stomach problems. Rock salt can reduce these. It also balances all three doshas.

Rock salt for joint pain and high BP

Rock salt can help in reducing joint-related problems. People who have arthritis problems should also consume it. It reduces inflammation and keeps the body hydrated.

Beneficial in losing weight

Rock salt can also help in reducing weight. It boosts metabolism and burns gastric fire, which helps in reducing excess fat.

Rock salt strengthens the immune system

Many minerals present in rock salt strengthen our immunity and help fight many diseases. Therefore, experts recommend including it in the diet.

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