Periods are different for everyone, some women experience little or no discomfort, others experience extreme body pain and severe cramps. Period pain is nothing less than a nightmare for every woman. During periods, every woman has to face back pain, abdominal pain to muscle pain etc. Due to pain during periods, not only does your mind not work, but your productivity also reduces considerably. In such a situation, yoga is very beneficial for women. Today in this episode, we are going to tell you about some such yogasanas which can be included in the daily routine to remove the pain during periods. Let us know about these yogasanas.

Sit on the floor on your yoga mat with your knees bent. Your heels should be facing outward. Lean forward. Keep your forehead on the ground. Extend your hands forward. Stay in this posture for some time and then return back to the same position.

Marjorie seat
Its practice is very beneficial for relieving pain or stiffness in the back, and spine. To do this, sit in Vajrasana with your knees bent. Then keep the elbows close to the knees in such a way that the palms are kept on the mat in front. Now moving one hand forward, give weight on the knees and hands and lift the whole body. Now lift the head and exhale deeply by stretching the waist inwards. Then make a round by lifting the back and stretch the body by lowering the neck. Take a deep breath. Do this process 10 times. Then relax.

Bandha konasana
During periods, it is the lower part of the body that often feels heavy and bloated. So sit in Baddha Konasana, it helps a lot in activating your abdominal organs, ovaries and bladder. Due to this bleeding can happen easily. This asana relaxes the muscles of the lower part of your body. Start slowly and don't apply too much pressure to your knees to touch the floor. Stretch only to the extent that your body allows.