image credit: safeguardeurope

As soon as the monsoon season starts, the problem of dampness and dampness in the house increases considerably. Due to the humidity in the house, the environment becomes full of foul smells and irritation. Such an environment spreads negativity, which affects all the people living there. Today we are going to tell you some home remedies to avoid moisture, which you can use to keep your house dry when it rains.

image credit: livspace

On rainy days, because there is dampness and wetness, the clothes remain wet (Measures to avoid dampness when it rains). As a result, the clothes do not dry properly and start to smell. To avoid this, keep the coffee in a small bowl in the cupboard. This will gradually reduce the smell.

image credit: livescience

Due to the moisture in the bedroom during the rainy season, the problem of foul smell also increases. To avoid this, burn the camphor in a lamp and leave it in your room for some time. The smell of camphor gradually removes bad odors and negative energy from the room.