Many times it happens that we eat food and immediately after that we feel bloated. Sometimes eating too much for the sake of taste or high-fibre and high-fat food also causes this problem. In this situation, the person himself feels very uncomfortable. There is a lot of restlessness due to heaviness in the stomach.

However, in this situation, you can consume certain types of drinks to make yourself feel relaxed. Yes, these drinks provide you instant relief and thus make you more comfortable in no time. So, today in this article, Dietician RituPuri of ESIC Hospital, Central Government Hospital is telling you about some such drinks, which will help you to overcome bloating after a meal-

Yoghurt drinks

Curd is considered very good for digestion. It is pro-biotic and hence can give you relief from the problem of bloating. Make a drink by adding cucumber pieces, mint, ginger and some water to the curd. You can consume this drink after having a meal. This will surely make you feel very relaxed.

Drink herbal tea

As such, tea should not be drunk after eating, because it causes problems in the absorption of nutrients from the food. But if you are struggling with the problem of bloating, then you can consume herbal tea after meals. For this, add half a teaspoon of fennel, a quarter teaspoon of cumin, a pinch of turmeric, ginger and a piece of cinnamon to the water and boil it together and then filter it and consume it.

Drink peppermint tea

Mint tea can be consumed to remove the problem of swelling in the stomach. Peppermint can help relieve bloating because it relaxes the muscles that play a role in passing painful gas. To make tea, add 1 tablespoon of dried mint leaves or 3 tablespoons of fresh mint leaves to 1 cup of boiled water. Leave it like this for 10 minutes and then filter it and consume it. However, keep in mind that if you are suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease or hiatal hernia, does not drink peppermint tea, as it can backfire.

Drink lemonade

Lemon water can also help remove the problem of bloating. It helps in digestion and can reduce acidity. Along with this, it is also helpful in providing relief from the problem of heartburn. Therefore, if you are feeling bloated, then squeeze half a lemon in lukewarm water. You will feel very relaxed with this.

Although all drinks remove the problem of bloating, before including any drink in your diet, be sure to consult a dietician once.

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