Everyone wants to look fit and slim, but due to bad lifestyle and poor eating habits, everyone is suffering from obesity in today's era. Hanging belly fat sometimes becomes a cause of embarrassment. Due to belly fat, the fitting of clothes also looks bad. In such a situation, people spend hours sweating in the gym to reduce obesity. Some people maintain distance from the food itself. If you are also troubled by hanging belly fat, then we are telling you a very powerful recipe which can help you in reducing belly fat. Experts recommend drinking fig water to reduce belly fat. Dietician Priyanka Jaiswal is giving information about this.

How fig water helps in weight loss

Boosts metabolism

According to experts, figs contain many vitamins and minerals that boost your metabolism. Due to boosted metabolism, weight may start decreasing automatically. It can be understood that when the metabolism rate is high, your food gets converted into energy faster and calories get burnt faster. This reduces the fat in your body.

Controls appetite

Fig water has fewer calories and more fiber and its consumption keeps your stomach full for a long time. That means it works to control your appetite. In this way, you avoid consuming extra calories and thus your weight does not increase. People who are on a weight loss journey can also drink fig water.

Improves digestion

The fibre present in fig helps in keeping the digestive system healthy. This makes it easier to pass stool. When you have regular bowel movements, toxins are released from your body and this prevents the accumulation of extra fat.

Experts also say that nothing can work like magic in weight loss unless you follow the right lifestyle, exercise, balanced diet and adequate sleep.

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