Some of us get cracked hands even in the summers. You must have seen that cracks appear on the fingers of some people. Sometimes there is a pain in these too. The skin often breaks when the barrier that protects it is compromised. Many times we do not take care of the skin properly, and due to this also we have to face dry and irritated skin.

Our feet, hands and lips may be especially prone to cracking. Renowned Dermatologist, MD DrAanchalPanth is quite active on social media. She tells through a post the reason for the hand burst. In this post, he has written that this problem can be seen more with those who do more water work.

This is called cumulative irritant contact dermatitis, in which multiple irritants irritate the skin due to repeated wetting of the hands. It affects the thumb, index and middle finger. Come; let us know from DrAanchal through this article how one can get relief from this problem.

Avoid using detergent and dishwashing soap

Their use causes a lot of burning sensation in the hands, so they should not be touched directly. If you are pouring detergent into the washing machine, use a spoon. Use a spatula to mix or even froth. Similarly, dishwashing soap should not be applied directly to the hands. This increases the chances of breaking fingers and hands.

Wear gloves before working in water

Work only when wearing gloves made of a material such as rubber or vinyl. If you have to wash the dishes too, use gloves for that. Also, keep in mind that they fit well in your hands, because if water gets inside them then the problem can increase.

Avoid chopping onions, garlic and ginger

If there are cracks in the hands, there can be difficulty in doing many things. Now things like onion, ginger, garlic, and chillies are some of the things that you cannot chop, as they can irritate your hands. Try to avoid them for a few days. Apart from this, it will be better for you to chop these things.

Grease your fingers

Whenever you are working in the kitchen, apply some ghee on the tips of your fingers. This will reduce dryness. You can apply ghee to your hands even after working out. It works to moisturize the skin. If you fear that applying hand cream may not work in the kitchen, ghee is a good alternative.

Use bar soap instead of liquid hand wash

There is a common misconception that liquid hand wash is good for the hands because it cleans the hands well. The problem with liquid hand wash is that the dispenser dispenses more liquid hand wash than is necessary. Rubbing it excessively to make lather strips away the oil from the skin. Also, liquid hand wash can deposit on the finger web space and cause further irritation. Instead, use mild and gentle soap.

Use hand cream

It is very important to moisturize your hands well. If you want the skin to heal quickly, apply moisturizing cream to your hands 3-4 times a day or after washing your hands. Use a hand cream that is thick and has moisturizing ingredients that don't rub off easily.

If your hands also crack and cracks appear on your fingers, then try these tips. Limit water work as much as possible.

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