The level of pollution in Delhi NCR is going from bad to worse. The crisis of breathing is becoming deeper with each passing day. Due to exposure to pollution, problems like cough, sore throat, pain and infection are increasing. If you have also become a target of increasing pollution and are experiencing sore throat, then you can get relief with the help of these tips.

How to get relief from a sore throat

Gargle with warm water

When you come in contact with pollution, infection, dust particles get deposited in your throat, due to which you get an infection. In such a situation, you should gargle with warm water every day. This provides relief from pain, itching, swelling and soreness. Add rock salt to warm water and gargle two to three times a day. This kills the bacteria trapped in the throat and nose.

Take steam

If you are troubled by itching or soreness then you should take the help of steam therapy. Put basil or mint leaves in hot water and steam. This kills the dirt or bacteria present in the nose, throat and lungs and gets rid of infection.

Turmeric milk

Turmeric milk can also prove beneficial for you. Anti-bacterial, antiseptic, and anti-allergic properties are found in turmeric which can provide relief from the problem of sore throat. Mixing one spoon of turmeric in lukewarm milk and drinking it before sleeping at night can help you get relief quickly.

Mint tea

Consuming herbal tea can also help you in relieving sore throat. For this, you can drink mint tea. Mint contains a compound called menthol which can provide relief from pain and irritation in the throat. This can help in reducing congestion. Consuming this tea 2 to 3 times a day can solve your problem.


Fenugreek is very beneficial for sore throat. Rich in antifungal properties, it eliminates bacteria that irritate. You can drink its tea. Drinking tea at least 2 to 3 times a day can provide relief.

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