From the point of view of science, the eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon. According to astrology, the eclipse is considered inauspicious. Be it a lunar eclipse or solar eclipse. The last lunar eclipse of the year is going to occur on the night of 28th October. This lunar eclipse is going to be visible in India also, due to which the eclipse is going to affect India also.

All kinds of auspicious works are stopped from the Sutak period that starts before the eclipse. Even if it is worship or other activities. The sutak period starts exactly 9 hours before the lunar eclipse. As soon as this Sutak period begins, the doors of all the temples of the country are closed. There is a pause in the worship. But, the lunar eclipse has no effect on the world-famous Baidyanath temple of Deoghar, Jharkhand.

Centuries-old tradition of Dham
Pramod Shringari, the pilgrim priest of Baidyanath temple, said that the lunar eclipse is going to occur from 1:05 p.m. to 02:30 p.m. on October 28. Which is the last lunar eclipse of this year. Because the eclipse is considered inauspicious, all auspicious activities including worship, etc. are stopped during the eclipse period. However, Deoghar Baba Baidyanath Dham is the only temple in Jharkhand where the doors are not closed during the Sutak period. Here the doors of the sanctum sanctorum are closed only during the eclipse period. Baba temple of Deoghar has been free from the influence of the Sutak period for centuries. There is no religious reason behind this, but the rules decided by the chief priest of Baba Temple are being followed.

Temple doors will be closed only during the eclipse period
Baba Baidyanath temple of Deoghar is free from the Sutak period. Here the doors of the temple are not closed during the Sutak period. This tradition has been going on for centuries, the priests here have been following it for centuries. They believe that it is considered inauspicious to touch Baba Bholenath only during the eclipse period, hence in this temple only the eclipse day is considered and the doors of the temple are closed only during the eclipse period.

Time of lunar eclipse
According to Indian time, the Sutak period will start 9 hours before the lunar eclipse i.e. from 4.05 pm on 28th October. The lunar eclipse will start at 1:05 p.m. on October 28 and will last till 2:23 p.m. That means the eclipse is going to last for a total of one hour and 18 minutes.

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